By sharp I mean anything that could cause injury to a child or an animal trying to climb over them. Shop bought cat spikes are safe to use on your fences and boundary walls. WebHow To Put Spikes On A Fence To Stop Cats. Cat feces carries the same bacteria as dogs which can cause ocular toxocariasis (blindness) in young children. Before you try to remove the strips, you really need to go and ask the neighbor why he put the spikes up. Cat spikes are designed to be safe but uncomfortable, but they arent always effective as many cats will still cross the boundary and simply put up with the pain. Practical, easy-to-understand answers to questions about common legal issues. Yes, you can in many instances, but it depends on local regulations. Learn more about how to register online. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Adding trellis to your fence not only keeps burglars away but also makes your fence look more attractive and unique. Adding trellis above your fence is a good way to keep burglars away as it makes it difficult for burglars to climb over. The State Bar of Texas created this guide to legal questions from those affected by disasters. WebWhen youre splitting the fence cost with your neighbor, you need to want the same fence. Cat spikes are sharp, rubber spikes stuck to the tops of walls. It's be a good idea to talk to them first and see what the intentions are and try to work with them on a solution. But they also found out that most cats have one kill per every 17 hours outside and they only bring home 25% of the animals they kill. So, tread carefully would be my suggestion. They Do), Do Moths Come From Caterpillars? Fast forward to today, neighbors never moved out, and at some point today (I don't know when as I was at work) they have installed plastic spike strips along the length of the fence. The spikes are in strips of about 5cm long and theyve placed them on either side of the concrete posts holding the fence up with big gaps in between. WebIf your neighbor constructs a spite fence, possibly making the neighborhood look terrible and calling attention to the property, what should you do? In a TikTok video posted during the week of Feb. 20, 2023, creator @sharonblakely0 shared a rather divisive video of her neighbor shining a flashlight into her mothers bedroom at her residence. Adding trellis above your fence is a good way to keep burglars away as it makes it difficult for burglars to climb over. Not only because I don't really want to see what happens if my cat decides to run out and leap up the fence like they sometimes so, but also because it looks hideous and makes the fence look ugly. I dont think theyre supposed to be cat spikes because although we do have a cat he has never gone over to that part of the yard. Except with video evidence, you cant complain to the council that your neighbors cat is pooing in your yard. My Neighbor Runs a Generator all Night (Is It Rude)? Even if they are permitted to install anything, it is not legal for them to install sharp spikes (very sharp spikes that can cause injury to an animal or a child trying to climb it). TBH I'd be going over and telling them to remove them. Today the value of assets to be protected has soared, making stronger perimeter security even more important. Since 1876, however, the Texas Legislature has allowed Texas counties to vote on whether to become"closed range". Never ever show up with Cherry, the pie of aggression. When she is not writing, she goes camping with her husband and little kids. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. See the resources below for more information. They're ruthless, man. Can you bypass these issues by installing the fence just inside your property? The fence is 'their' fence. Spikes may not be needed for most residential fences except fences on street frontages. To stay above the law, you MUST only use blunt plastic spikes that will only make the cat feel uncomfortable. Therefore, anti climb spikes on top of the wall are allowed, so long as youve added a notice saying something like: Caution: danger of injury from fence spikes. To use any of these security toppings, you must check in with your local council. Literally whose land is it one. Texas law places the burden of proof to establish a claim of adverse possession on the trespasser. EDIT: Thank you everyone for the comments and guidance. However, whether you make your cat spikes out of metals, carpet grippers, or glass, you are purposefully causing damage because these types of spikes will hurt any cats unfortunate enough to hop on your fence or wall. The court can do one of three things: Order removal. Dont use carpet gripper on your fence as its not designed for such use and would not stop a burglar climbing your fence (they simply put a coat over the top of it). I would recommend you take a few days to really think about it and decide how far you would be willing to take this. Press J to jump to the feed. But do you know there are some legislations covering security fencing, for example, laws guiding putting spikes on your fence? Remember that you will have the burden of proof to show a court that your neighbor installed the fence for malicious purposes. But that's best accomplished by talking to them first to avoid claims of damage. How are we doing? Pigeons or any flying animal does not bury their poo. Youre good to go if they dont like getting hoops on the boundary wall or fencing. Your friend can legally construct a fence on a portion of his property than makes the offending fence invisible; or your friend could ignore the sign. Putting these pieces of evidence together, a court might order that your neighbor remove the fence, and possibly compensate you for the nuisance. I don't believe you need to ask permission to remove something your neighbor has physically attached to your property. Cat spikes! By putting spikes where you know they will walk. At some point in the last couple of weeks, I don't know exactly when, this neighbor set up this strange-looking spike strip along the top of my fence, a fence I paid for in full along my property line. My My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence. Disputes like this, which are more emotional than legal or financial, are often best resolved in mediation. If you live in the city, then you will have a cat in your garden sometime this week! Other neighbourhood cats also move through all the gardens. You should report any neighbor who does this to your local council environmental officers to make a judgment about the fence. See the resources below as well as our Livestock guide for more information. My cats have roamed around for 12 years and l have to laugh at my neighbour as my cats are intelligent enough to go other ways, but is she allowed to camouflage the spikes? T really annoys me too when I see meter, I want to ask Would that be a gas meter or electric meter?. Our then neighbour (a few doors down) had 3 cats and we went and spoke them about the cats in our garden. Make sure you check with your local council before doing any work because regulations cover fences and security toppings. I held off on saying anything because I 1) wanted to see if I became less angry with time and I did and 2) definitely didnt want to cause a dispute. In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. WebFinland is building a 200-kilometer fence on the Russian border amid growing fears of security as Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine intensifies. So my grandad did this, it comes down to whose fence it is. Our Silent Roar Review Reveals Ratings and Top Tips! They Do), Do Butterflies Like Roses? If spikes have been installed along a linear boundary, such as a wall or fence, then it should be ensured that signs are presented every 3 metres or less, to make certain they will be seen. A 2021 article from local news station KPRC 2 Houston discussing the new security measures law and some of the issues property owners are experiencing with their associations when attempting to install fencing on their property. If you live in a busy neighborhood, then youll have to find a way to keep cats away from your yard, because youll have a cat in your yard. I know this because I have a neighbor with two unvaccinated, unfixed, and no collar wearing stray cats they call pets. Start with a friendly conversation. It will also stop any claims for compensation if anyone jumps your fence and gets injured. If they don't, and there's no evidence to show it (original fence posts still up etc) then you may find you're about to kick off a boundary dispute. A trained mediator can help you and your neighbor figure out exactly why there's a wall between you (literally and figuratively) and brainstorm ways of taking it down. Can l report my neighbor? This means that your neighbor (s) have the same rights to the shared fence as you do. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Therefore, anti climb spikes on top of the wall are allowed, so long as youve added a notice saying something like: Caution: danger of injury from fence spikes. If your neighbours hedge is growing in width and encroaching on your space, you are entitled to trim any part of it that crosses your boundary. Pestbye Review Of The Advanced Sonic Cat Scarer! But, keeping these cats out can be more complicated than you think. Really worried about our cat and the other neighbourhood cats getting hurt and I also didnt like the look of them. To learn more about how property owners' associations can enforce rules within their communities, check out the Enforcement of CC&Rs page of the Property Owners' Association research guide. A TikToker shared that her angry neighbor shined a flashlight into her elderly mother's bedroom. Neighbor's Dog Scratched My Car: What Can I Do? They have enough sharpness that makes it difficult for cats to place their weight on(it makes them uncomfortable), so they jump down. See more. In this article, we will be answering some of your questions about cat spikes and why they are such a taboo subject for both owners & non-owners of cats. Yes he took a shortcut. I've seen opossum walk fences like squirrels. If spikes have been installed along a linear boundary, such as a wall or fence, then it should be ensured that signs are presented every 3 metres or less, to make certain they will be seen. If they are happy with having spikes on the boundary wall or First off don't damage their property while trying to remove it, that can get messy. (Part 2), Texas Stock Laws By County (Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C., Attorneys at Law). In a TikTok video posted during the week of Feb. 20, 2023, creator @sharonblakely0 shared a rather divisive video of her neighbor shining a flashlight into her mothers bedroom at her residence. WebIf a fence crosses into a neighbours property Sometimes it turns out a fence isnt on the property line after all. 2.8K Posts. That is down to the person driving the car! Each homeowner shares dual ownership of the allotted portion of the fence that exists on each respective property. In that situation, if you want to force the neighbor to remove the fence, you might turn to the courts and sue your neighbor for what's known as "private nuisance.". ", Rhode Island Code Section 34-10-20 similarly states that: "A fence or other structure in the nature of a fence which unnecessarily exceeds six feet in height and is maliciously erected or maintained for the purpose of annoying the owners or occupants of adjoining property, shall be deemed a private nuisance, and any owner or occupant who is injured, either in the comfort or enjoyment of his or her estate thereby, may have an action to recover damages for the injury.". This is why you shouldnt set man-traps or hide carpet gripper behind the top edge of your fence! But the same law also says that duty has been discharged if youve warned people that the hazard exists, and that they can see it. If your neighbors agree about installing a new fence, they will often share the cost with you. In your front garden, the garden fence protocol for garden fence height is slightly different, with the maximum height being 1.2 metres. It's really not the best idea. WebThe term barbed wire has been interpreted to mean anything with spikes or jagged projections and this would include any made aggressive topping or addition to a wall or fence including carpet gripper, broken glass, nails and preparatory products such as Texas law places the burden of proof to establish a claim of adverse possession on the trespasser. What if my cats get hurt because they couldnt see the spikes or a fox come to that. I cannot however justify keeping cats indoors, they need space and exercise, I have previously offered to get them a noise repellent if the cats go in the garden, as they are very social and friendly and will just go where they want and I am conscious that they may be going toilet somewhere - the neighbors declined, this was a few years ago however. If your spikes cause injuries to cats, it can be considered animal abuse which is severely punishable. My detached garage wall defines the line of the boundary, the concrete of his former garage is on his side of the boundary. It will also stop any claims for compensation if some fool happens to jump your fence and injure themselves. People who harm children or animals are the worst kind of people. Before attaching spikes to a wall, we would advise you to mention this to your neighbour. Property Owners' Association research guide, Section 202.022 of the Texas Property Code, Section 202.023 of the Texas Property Code, POA Power Shift Legislature Gives Property Owners More Rights. I stood on one that I took down,and theatre painful. Only if your neighbour gives you permission to do so. One cat was limping last night. Start by asking them to remove it. To avoid any disputes, we had the posts put on the boundry line and into our garden, and the panelling on our side - effectively losing about 3 inches of garden, but we didn't want to caise an issue with a fence we are choosing and paying for. Maybe even ask them if there is a specific reason for the spikes, and if there are any other ways you can help mitigate those reasons without adding spikes to your fence. Excuse me OP, this is Her Majestys Reddit Revenue and (Original) Content, I would like to discuss your overdue bill for Cat Tax. My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence that devides our houses. Many states have laws that regulate "spite fences." But it also depends on the location of your fence. 2.) In the absence of proof that a boundary wall is wholly on one or other property, ownership is usually presumed to be shared. You can quite easily trim back leaves and branches, and you can even trim back roots if they are invasive, however this may have a detrimental impact on the whole plant. The answer is no, they cant, not without your permission. As long as the cat is not wounded, any kind of cat spike is legal. Who has to pay to replace it? If they refuse, then you send them a polite, firm, letter by certified mail notifying them that they have X days to remove the spikes, at which time you will do so. Is it legal to put carpet grippers on your fence? In most states, it is legal to use both bird and cat spikes. They're usually tall, ugly, or both. 2. WebAnswer A considerate neighbor in this situation would, of course, realize the impact of her decision and consult you. The spikes can also deter birds from sitting on top of the fence. With that in mind, you must make sure the spikes you are using are plastic and not too sharp that they puncture the cats paws. Surely, the welfare of the cat is the responsibility of the owner, not the neighbours? WebYes, once spikes become a danger, they are basically illegal. A trustworthy seller of humane pet spikes will also provide you with a simple, waterproof warning sign to view. i'd rather the fence be entirely on her property so that i do not become mutually responsible for maintenance on a fence has seen a spike since October in legal questions from readers about layoffs, unemployment and severance. In some states, install security toppings such as barbed wire and spikes. They could try again and again before they realize what theyre up against and give up. Chapter 15 of this book discusses neighborly problems. So, after a few months one of my cats popped his foot on one of the spikes. We then informed the council about the accident as he was told to remove them for a plastic brand! NAL, but Im hoping Ive learnt enough from (mostly) lurking this sub if Ive got anything wrong please, please let me know Firstly, theyre on your property so yes, you can remove them. Down to the millimeter. What Are The Best Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders? Cat spikes are designed to be safe but uncomfortable, but they arent always effective as many cats will still cross the boundary and simply put up with the pain. 6 Best Drop Spreaders of 2021 Compared & Reviewed, 10 Best MIG Welders of 2021 Compared & Reviewed, Make sure the fence is your (left side is generally your fence). 279 Posts. Which helps the cat to stay clear of the spiked wall. My My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence Are there spikes on the fence for cats? If they are happy with having spikes on the boundary wall or fence, then you can go ahead with it. Do you think it would be too pushy of me to just buy them some repellent options (high pitch deterrent and some crystals for the plants) and give them to them, or just offer again? WebIf you are going to fix spikes to your fence, make sure the wall is yours and not shared with your neighbour. Yep, exactly that happens in my garden. WebIf youre going to install spikes on your fence, make sure its yours and not your neighbors. Cat spikes are a straightforward design; they are made of plastic but have enough sharpness to make the cat feel uncomfortable and jump down. Then tell them if they are not removed then they will be removed. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. Spite is an emotion, and your neighbor would feel compelled to construct an annoying fence only if he or she was feeling strong emotions towards you. Advertisement on this page says Prikka Spikes are available in 4 meter [sic] lengths. Could it be for birds? Wait wait wait You mean Go over and talk to them?! Cat spikes purchased from a store are safe to use on your fencing and boundary walls. WebThis could involve adding things like double-sided tape or spikes to the top of the fence; Use scent deterrents: Certain smells are known to deter cats, so you could try spraying your fence with these scents in order to keep them away; Common deterrents include Speak to the owners, put up protection where you can but threatening to murder someones pet? What is the law regarding garden fences? WebAlso, legally, cats are classed as wild animals, not domesticated so there's not a lot of action your neighbour can take legally to stop your cat entering their garden. Yes as soon as the spikes become a danger then they are basically illegal. They also did it all round the rest of their garden and Im not sure they quite realised that one panel is actually ours. So when he jumped down from the shed, he hit his chin on the spikes. WebIf these approaches do not work, your fallback option is to refuse to pay anything, and then add a new panel on your own property that matches your initial two, such that there would be two fence panels between your home and your neighbor's. Legally, the right-hand side of the boundary fence belongs to anyone who constructs the fence. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'gardenaxis_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gardenaxis_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Since cats are free to wander, they will go into your backyard, poop, and then leave. You can buy them in meter length and are glued or nailed on top of walls & fences ETC. If you ask them to remove and they say no what happens next? So also, todays legislation does not support the use of broken glass as an intruder deterrent. SafeWise reports that fences that intruders would find difficult to climb or break through will offer you the most protection against theft. 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