He's headed for America!". Carrying two injured men, Hawkgirl soared to get a better angle to try and find Green Lantern, and saw him carrying a third. A number that holds infinite possibilities and o Batfam x Batsis Reader Harry Potter AU Oh. Privately, Superman was fairly sure jet engines had already been developed by now in the original timeline. Sure we did, and we left him behind with pirates gone nutso!, And if we didnt get through the portal, everything wouldve been for nothing! snapped Green Lantern. At his words, the crewmen of all the ships he was with took up their own cries of victory. "Heavy matter, explained Jonn. Besides, why would he ever have to worry about fighting in a war? Im not from the future, he corrected, walking over to where he had left his precious laptop out earlier. If they failed to create it, it would have created a temporal paradox., I dont know. When she re-entered the hall, she paused in surprise when she saw who it was. Out of the clouds came dozens of Axis fighter planes. Vandal turned to aim the metal glove he wore at the general, and shocked him with a blast of electricity. A moment later, Flash came flying out of the hole, landing on his feet. Wonder Woman tore through the upper-part of the tail, and dived down to throw her lasso around one of the turrets and wrenched it out of its socket. You don't want to get in the way of your son's education, do you, B? He's noticed someone watching him One shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. He knew that soldiers could come up with some interesting nicknames, but why? "Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Tim is in denial about killing someone?" Even if a part of him wondered what would have happened if he had been there and able to safely use his telepathy to try and convey the truth of the situation. Green Lantern just shook his head in amusement. Dimly he processed how even the others who had been with their teammate were also shocked. Where are we? groaned Flash, the first to stand. Go to the Leaky Cauldron, rent a room, and get some sleep owl his friends. A gun is pulled at one point, because of course it is. For instance, apparently Adolf Hitler had been replaced as Fuhrer, and his fate was unknown. However they also said it was unstable. Even if they were quickly fading. Stop it.. We did it!. ", For some reason they all seemed surprised and happy to see him. Green Lantern huffed, and lost some of his humour. Lantern! she yelled, reaching out with a desperate hand for him. ", AU where Jason bails Tim out of jail and his family is certain Tim killed someone (he hasn't, but no one quite seems to think that art theft is his style), , Shipling RivalriesScarlettSwordMoon. Story of his life. just a lil thing cuz GIVE BATTINSON HIS ROBIN RN. For all her skill and strength, she had been helplessly outclassed. Hawkgirl stared after him with conflicted eyes, caught between wanting the man to go off on his rescue mission, or to stay here to help. When she re-entered the hall, she paused in surprise when she saw who it was. Jonns the best for scouting, so him going to Berlin for answers made perfect sense, except hes also the best for taking down these tanks! Looked like they were back in the past to World War Two after all. Agent Grays family decided they need to visit his workplace, chaos ensues! Well then, lets start with more immediate concerns. Browse . Honestly, Vandal would have properly dealt with the man long ago, if not for the mans own connections and supporters, the political necessity of keeping at least one of the old Fuhrers people around (even if Hoffman had not been the firmest of fans), and the fact the man was actually very good at his job. Well, at least now they knew where they had all disappeared to. Why does it emphasize I must kill them all on sight?. However brief, their fight with the two members of the Straw Hats had not been pleasant, and no one was unscathed. . Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. 3. Carefully they edged forward, and beheld line after line of hard-faced, Nazi soldiers lined up, all carrying machine guns and wearing parachutes. He knows that he wasn't supposed to be in a 12-year-old stranger's body and his name isn't Jonas Cane EDITING IN PROGRESS Savage had definitely been intending to show the laptop from the start. Before he forgot though, he faked a pained scream in case of eavesdroppers. Hawkgirl, a.k.a. Five men opened fire with everything they had. Theyre invading America!, After a moment of shock, Steve snapped into action. The man walked over to a countertop to the side, and picked up something from underneath a piece of cloth. "Radio the others," he crisply ordered, "tell them to go on without us." This isnt going to be easy.. Although her new grenade launcher might be able to help with that. Putting his hands to his chest, Youre welcome to try.. Superman was next with both of the Superboys, Conner and Jonathan. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Something he could . Batman has a clone, a sixteen year old clone whos eleven years old. Because yeah, no explanation was ever given on how they got back home to the proper timeline. Hal and Jonn had been on monitor duty when everyone started to arrive. Some opening up into more enjoyable locations than others. ". We shouldnt have just left him there! Go become superheros, they say. Next Black Canary and Green Arrow arrived with Artemis and Arsenal. You cant stop em single-handed! Sergeant Rock yelled after him. Work Search: For a little bit of history, yes Savages new symbol for Nazism is based upon the Schutzstaffel symbol, or the SS, Hitlers infamous secret police and agents of atrocities. What in blazes! There was something in her eyes which concerned him as she looked back at the Dark Knight. For the sake of everything, there was no way was he going to give his enemy even an inch of a chance of surviving. Flash dashed up and down abandoned streets, poked his head into the doorways of most-intact houses, and looked for any sign of his friend. I thought so, said John, looking down into the hole. Seeing that no one followed her, Superman asked, Who just came?, Barry looked confused, I thought you said Batman told you he wasnt coming, GL?, Diana glared at Hal, who at least had the decency to look nervous. No way! Meanwhile, she knew the others did not have such a chance. Not on his watch. You dont know what youre saying.. Some kind of secret weapon? A thought struck her. Got me in the leg, Sarge, he told them in a pained voice. Fist raised, the other man tried to capitalize on this, only to be put off balance as the damage to the instruments was putting them into a steep dive towards the ocean below. Despite this, the two heroes had come to the decision that it was best to stick together and reinforce one position to the best of their abilities. Am I missing something?, The big grin finally went away, and Superman became more serious, and cleared his throat. With a quick burst of electricity, he slammed Green Lantern against the viewport. Not only of comparisons to her peoples own war with the Gordanians, but also . I I did not expect to see you today. She didnt enjoy getting punched in her last life and that hasnt changed in this one either. They used it as a tunnel into the past. Engines ignited on cue, and the massive aircraft began to advance, with the remaining Nazi soldiers running out of the way, and the car crushed underneath. And with that she flew off back into the fight. There was no doubt who it was. He looked back towards the others, but they were only smiling and not offering any help. very clever. Indeed, Superman grabbed one enemy plane to throw into another, and flew straight through a third in a fiery explosion. ?, "I had no choice," she said, even as she laid her final passenger down. They were heroes, they were supposed to save lives! Erns concentrated, before stiffening in horror. Shoulda, coulda, woulda- having an opportunity and not taking it, thus regretting it later. We will never know.. We cant beat these tanks, so were saving all the lives we can here and now, and then well come back to fix this!. "We would gladly lay down our lives for our cause, but we can't win this war alone.". they thought we were with the regime. Y/N al Ghul is the Batman of the year 2050. Oh, his black blade had definitely been glowing with some sort of dark aura, yet it had not . Her blood froze, and her wings suddenly turned heavy as she realized the terrible truth. He had sharp, handsome features, and a naturally commanding presence. They had everything prepared before the Straw Hats arrived, and had to use it despite the worsening situation. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Because one of the few advantages the John and the rest had over their enemies was that supervillains were notoriously bad at cooperating with each other. Third, The screen was switched off. So what if he did not speak German? No matter where or when he was. Why did the regime even build the time machine like that if it was so unstable? . Between Vandals official and personal agents, he would have long been alerted if the Allies had such tricks up their sleeves. . Stewart, watch our backs.". Regaining his equilibrium just before being hit by missiles. More importantly, he retained a personal lab within the veritable fortress which lay down below Martian Manhunter. "You a partisan? Different circumstances and choices. ), it really, really, reaaaally was his problem. After that, Flash had changed the channel, not being in the mood for such a downer after a long day. In the end, the two members of the Justice League had chosen to split up, with her covering that angle. Perfect. as well as Hal! Barry shouted, smacking the green lantern on the back of the head. Steve Trevor had been a spy escaping Berlin when she and Martian Manhunter ran into him. So were just soldiers to you? demanded Hawkgirl. Schematics began to play out across the screen. They killed his family and they're the only people he has ever known. This would change his whole world. Batman is very suspicious of the newly arrived Amazon princess, but he isn't the only one. Red with steel trimming, it was a spiked wheel almost a hundred meters tall, if not more, with spokes coming out of both sides with turrets bigger than the American tanks. He almost regretted the necessity of killing them to guarantee the latter. If she doesnt join one gang or another first. That said, they had learnt a lot from the agent, one Steve Trevor. "The code is complicated," said Erns, tapping away at the communicator, while listening to a headset, "butyes! He jerked up with steely eyes. . The metal was carefully irradiated to leave a signature I would detect with some of the designs included in the laptop, and then thrown into the past afterwards. As well as that the final bit about how easily the heroes dealt with the time travel was from Ryan George on the YouTube channel "Screen Rant." He had seen Zoro dismember the man, and Savage was still alive as Fuhrer decades from now. Welcome to Batman's home life By: GayForNatashaRomanoff. Knowing the future, how can I not succeed?, Ive seen your future. To be perfectly fair, figuring out how and where these impossible weapons were coming from was the highest priority. A shudder went through the jets, and he could feel the sensation of them accelerating rapidly. . That actually made her give a quick chuckle. He tapped a button to activate it, displaying the new Nazi logo. The Siege of Gotham Computer slash phone company.black: they never sayrose: I knew it!black, no, wa--rose: explain so much. the eaten apple in the logo, its literally the devil's work. The grenade went off, but thankfully it rolled far enough away to be safe. Unfortunately for everyone though, it did not look like he would have much choice. Accelerating, fist before him, Martian Manhunter went straight through the roof of one, and out through its belly. "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," the parisian whined in a high pitched distraught. . What if these super-men are real? . That they would acknowledge her experiences as a cautionary tale of the dangers of using it, even against the Gordanians. An explosion answered her, as three more of the super-tanks appeared, firing their artillery. Speeding forward, he flew right through a propeller, sending the craft into a freefall, yet knew the pilot would have time to grab for their parachute. There in that harsher world, Zoro discovered Conqueror's Haki, and to fight the cream of Savage's forces, had to push past his previous limits. Yes, the TV show Flash was referencing was M*A*S*H, with the line being said by Hawkeye. To make them realize his supremacy, as he had done here in Nazi Germany and the other nations which had fallen under his benevolent rule. Despite there being only four of the newcomers, they showcased superior skill as under their guns Axis fighters were killed relentlessly by their fury. Are you alright? Martian Manhunter asked Wonder Woman while they flew to Berlin. After everything they had already been through together. Less from any lingering pain, and more her own mixed feelings about the self-proclaimed pirates. He knows too much, he bit out. The Justice League is hosting a "Bring your kid to work" day, but no one told Batman. Just . The others were more experienced with war. Without another word, he left the room. The main focus of it all was some sort of extremely strange hole in the center of the main room. Everyone was coming early, even Flash and Kid Flash were surprising on time. You have no idea, said Vandal, fighting the urge to laugh at the comedy of it all. Whered you learn that move? asked the man with a beard, putting a hand on Johns shoulder. Sitting within his command chair, Vandal felt his flagship begin to shake, and recognized the changed hum of the engines to mean something was wrong with them. Aboard the jet, John burst through a crawlspace to find himself alone in a spacious room with what looked to be a lot of important machinery. The number Zero means nothing. Further thoughts on an unsettling topic were interrupted by something even more unpleasant. As John had wagered, given his own past experiences. Hairs on his neck went up just as he heard the ominous sound of cocking guns, and turned to find himself looking down the barrels of three rifles. The Allies had been pushed back to the beaches, and were boarding boats to safety as fast as possible. Green Lantern Jordan had jokingly suggested it after Superman had mentioned that many of the Leaguers had proteges and that he thought they would enjoy meeting each other. Ironic seeming it was his event. Well, you get the idea, he continued to smile. Royal Flush The Heroes Something his gut agreed with. And you just left him! From the corner of his eyes she gave him a look impossible to decipher beneath her mask. A beeping sound, and the pilot reported, The wiring is repaired, mein Fuhrer! Yes, those people were building stuff for the Nazis, and apparently important stuff, yet that did not mean they deserved to die. Ill be okay! he said back, and hefted up to her the soldier he was carrying. Something Superman could understand a little, having heard Lois story of how she had travelled to an alternate world where her death had hardened his own other-self into a tyrant. "You've got your secrets, I've got mine. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Just a little work to dispose of all the super-advanced weaponry here and there, and Jonn confirming that the Nazi leadership had defrosted Hitler from his icy prison to lead them again. ", "Sarge, he almost got us killed!" Injustice for All Part 3 This is a harry potter/batfamily crossover and is set in the summer Harry's 5th year. "This hill isn't even on it. Not feeling home in Paris, Marinette moves to Gotham to fulfill her guardian Then, the Fates flash in. "Right on schedule.". No one knew how this morning started like this. The Justice League had faced all manner of powerful opponents in the past: bloodthirsty killers, insane tyrants, vengeful gods, and more. The whole story about the garden of eden begins with eaten Apple, and here even in comics, Nazis needed to win because of an Apple laptop. I saw them working on that, pointed Flash. Fortunately for the incompetent, a few hours later they had confirmation it had been destroyed, and could advance. "The instruments in the Watchtower picked up this anomaly a few hours ago. Looking away, he beamed at his savior, What took you?. Barry laughed. . She had argued that they should not be pursued as if they were a serious threat; at least not in comparison to the likes of Luthor, Aresia, or Joker. While he had not lied to Hawkgirl, he had certainly omitted the whole truth. Only to then hear the most beautiful thing in the world. Oh no! he moaned. Whoever left from our time could have gotten here months ago. "Get it back, or destroy it! Ben 10 the Justice Leaguer by Triceratops 278K 6.1K 46 Ben tennyson, saviour of the universe billions of times, stopped the universe from getting destroyed, and stabbed Vilgax with a sword carried by an old man who died. Two smashes with his pipe took them down, only for a third to club him with the stock of a gun. Sixty years from now, it'll be a child's toy." Im sorry, she said fiercely, we didnt have time to tell you. Before he would not have said he could tell what that sensation was like, only now he could not shake the feeling it was something different. Climbing partially out of his cockpit, he called to them, We just intercepted a message from the Resistance. Shortly after, the co-pilot reported the others were slowing down to maintain formation with their leader. The man in charge was Sergeant Rock, whose name fit his personality. "What'd I tell you?" "Best story on wattpad by far!" Not all Fun and Games Excellent musculature. . Carrying it was a little awkward, but she made due for now. The sheer unyielding command in his voice was second only to the steely Will in his eyes. She nodded in understanding, and went back to keeping a careful eye out. It is in first person and does not use Y/N. Regardless, he would have to be sure to destroy this before leaving. It had definitely been worth the effort to subvert all those contractors a decade or two ago to ensure their cooperation and silence. I care!, "What're you talking about!? Flash was carrying soldiers out of the way of those massive, one-wheel tanks, while Superman was carrying an entire truck loaded with men. Flash lowered his binoculars. John Stewart and his compatriots found themselves surrounded by idyllic countryside. Meanwhile the sergeant managed to run forward enough to throw his own grenade in, with the gunners bailing out and running for it. I wonder . Those youd leave behind to die? Well, that was fun, said Flash darkly as he rejoined the others. Well, he would be happy to share the truth. Were trying to stop that from all every happening, including everyone the Nazis will be killing if they win! . Another moment, and the bully was the one secured in to his own torture stand, and the hero was free to examine the laptop to his hearts content. Anyways, the point was that one of the doctors had quoted that line, only for another to rebut with . Dozens of them. Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being targets for pranks. Hes about the same age as Wally., Like you wouldnt believe it. Flash paused before continuing, I wasnt going to bring it up yet, but I was thinking about introducing him to the League, hopefully having it lead him to joining the League., Before Wonder Woman could reply, she heard the zeta tube start up. Swinging, she brought it up to break a whole through the very plane it had come from, leaving a burning wound behind. Injustice for All Part 4 He grabbed John's head to shove him back, only for the bigger man to receive a punch to the face in exchange. Begin Operation: Endgame!, Vandal had killed people for lesser insolence. bruce is sleep deprived and dick and alfred just want him to SLEEP. So he took a moment to grasp his temper. Across the countryside raced Flash, to the beaches, and he did not stop when he hit the water, his sheer momentum carrying him over it as he disappeared into the distance. Bruce Wayne has been living the normal life. ." Ive got it.. Meanwhile Superman and Hawkgirl tag-teamed another, as he took out the turrets and she safely made the blows. 13. Welcome to Easy Company, soldier.. [1 in batman 1/12/23] So while Hawkgirl and Superman dealt with the turrets and guards, he ran into the factory planning to get everybody out. Silence was the only answer John would give. "Wildman, d'you think you can put a grenade into that rat hole? Who would have thought the Ubermensch would be green?. Face immobile, Jonn considered the object with keen interest. Without another word Flash was off as a red streak, with the others in the air behind him. Until he figured by now Savage was far enough away. Hal, did you inform Batman of today?, Because he made no mention of todays event when I spoke to him just now. 7. . They could have been killed and left him alone again. I can't wait for more!! " WesternAnimati. The others stared in stunned horror as Hoffman screamed in agony, before collapsing unconscious onto the war table. With almost physical exertion, she pushed that thought aside, and turned her attention to finally properly inspecting her new weapon. The commando dodged a back-handed slap, and grabbed his forearm where the glove did not cover, wrenching it up so Vandals own face was shocked by it. said the biggest, with his jacket open to show his muscular chest, sleeves ripped off, extra-large gun (an automatic? The pirates had taken it to another extreme in their madness and grief, to the point they were unrecognizable. Like proper dogs, the military officers behind him voiced their agreements. . ", "Guess you could call me that," he allowed. For all that they were saving, it remained an unmitigated disaster. Diana thought as she returned to the cafeteria. He had not been part of the fight against the Straw Hats, trying to discover what he could from the lab and scientists, yet he had seen the results. A moment later, "The radio's not working!". "Which way is west?". He felt a smile breaking across his face, and did nothing to hide it. The short version is we all need some R&R, and then to get some heavy team training in.. Language: English Words: 1,654 Chapters: 3 /? To say nothing of how the reflection of the mans face as he regarded the former Fuhrer was distinctly inhuman? A sound made him glance over his shoulder to see his guards giving room, and John looked back just in time to be hit by lightning and scream as his back wrenched back with the spasms of pain. Because appearing on Earth had clearly not been their choice. left kudos on this work! He walked forward, a part of him wishing Superman was here. Meanwhile the Allied soldiers cheered and advanced. Send out the signal immediately! Superman threw himself in front of several soldiers about to be gunned down by the enemy fighter planes, shrugging off the machine gun fire. A flashbang launcher certainly fit the role of a police officer, even if some cosmetic changes to make it look less militant would be necessary. When you add Zero to the number one, you get the number one.Zero is nothing but a number. One on his left side, just by the seventh rib, and another on his right bicep. I edited this chapter and the last using an eaten apple. Circumstances lead to them finding and losing one another, but now it's her turn to fight back for the city that has given and taken so much from her. Giving the man a cool look, Vandal snatched it out of his hands, and read it. The man was tall and broad, and while everyone else had grey uniforms, his was black. Lantern!. 2. Only he could not shake that feeling. Although you really might have trouble taking us seriously., Oh, commented Superman, and there was something in his voice Batman could not place, I dont think that will be a problem.. why? Weve got company!. "I have finally found a way to open a door into the past. Vandal was rather proud of the secret passages he had snuck into central command during the various renovations. What other things did he know about the pirates that were wrong? It could have been the fact that the boys woke up early, maybe it was because Alfred went shopping or it could be because Bruce slept in late. Back still turned to the man, Vandal raised one hand as he lectured, "You have a short memory, Hoffman." A few guards remained here and there, while several armies worth of men were ready to take to the air, and drop down on whatever poor souls they were after. Heart and Soul ), tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (21), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (10), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, "Gotham city morgue, you stab 'em we slab 'em, how can I direct your call?". The Savage Time Professionally she pushed her dread aside, and flew closer to see what she could do to help. . Each plane landed in perfect formation, and she was sure that many modern pilots with their fancier planes would struggle to do so well. My only desire is peace. Yes, I almost completely wrote out Steve Trevor. . The whole thing was impervious to even Superman, including the transparent bubbles the gunners sat in. They dropped him from the ground, and he kept his eyes clenched shut, only partially faking the pain he was under. ?, Regardless of his nervousness, General Hoffman answered, "We've just learnt one of our coded communicators is missing. The sound of flesh hitting flesh, and a brief burst of gunfire caught his attention, and he looked to see the Allied saboteur was on his feet, machine gun pointed straight at Vandal. Progress. Oh, and Wonder Woman had gone with Jonn too, refusing to let him go into enemy territory alone. Hes stranded back there., Eyes bulging and jaw dropped, he could only gape at her for a few secondsor ages for himbefore his anger took hold. . . "I still can't believe you left him behind!" He had not even realized how serious it was until he emerged at the doorway, and directed them all inside. Obviously Flash was not comfortable with this whole mess. Im just here to update the computer systems with a newly designed software program.. A jet engine.. snarled Vandal, slapping the fool across his face. As mouthy as he was, and constantly trying to undermine his leaders position, he remained loyal to the whole cult of assumed superiority infesting this place. Because theres no ignoring what a threat the Straw Hats are. But that was impossible. The Flash and Wonder Woman had instantly loved the idea and began planning the event. He looked over his shoulder to draw attention away from how he was now reaching into his uniform. Browse; Paid Stories . Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. Superman's scars are permanent! Yer a big man when your Ring's working, but without it yer just AHH!". Comfortable in his lab, Vandal waited for his guest to wake up. 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