minari discussion guide

To her surprise and horror, he picks the latter. Identify their personal, cultural, and linguistic assets. You can use these additional prompts (which don't appear on the student handout) to guide students in a writing project or a more comprehensive discussion about the movie's major themes. For Part 2, to read the Plot discussion, go here. As you say, it *does* feel like a "conventional narrative movie," and one thing it suggests at the script stage (I have yet to see the movie) is it has powerful emotions running through: A man with a dream. Synopsis Not everything that happens in Minari is a reflection of reality, but the film is the semi-autobiographical story of writer/director Lee Isaac Chung. What are the pressures of "fitting in" while also being true to yourself/where you came from? Jacobs refusal to choose his family over the farm compels Monica to say that she wants separation. I only noticed how prevalent fire and, especially, water are in Minari because of the brilliant Bong-Joon-ho pointing it out in his interview with Lee Isaac Chung for Variety. Review: After an exhausting 2020, the gentle 'Minari' is the movie we need right now. Despite one challenge after another which pushes Jacob and Monica's relationship to the brink of dissolution, they persist. Minari DISCUSSION TOPICS - Dreams, goals, life plans, death of a loved one, loneliness, disappointment, failure, follow-through, guilt, immigration, farming, Ronald Reagan, Korean War, losing faith in someone. (49:44-55:13), Clip #10: After Jacob learns a deal fell through with a Korean business owner, there's a shot of the smoke stack for "discarded" useless male chicks. If you only have a single class period, showing just a few key clips below might be perfect. Clip #1: Jacob explains how the male chicks are "discarded," and that means it's important to be useful. The plot changes gears following the introduction of Monicas mother Soon-ja and her limitless optimism. MINARI tells the story of the Yi family through the eyes of David (Alan S. Kim), a young boy whose family has uprooted from California to Arkansas to chase his father Jacob's (Steven Yeun) dream of owning a farm.David and his older sister, Anne (Noel Cho), try to find their place in Arkansas, while their mother, Monica (Yeri Han), wishes she was still in California, where she felt comfortable . In a sense, the marketing for the film makes sense. Minari follows the journey of a Korean-American family building a new life on a farm. Theyll build something better from the ashes of their original missteps. Minari Screenplay Book. (1:31:41-1:35:41), Clip #15: Soonja accidentally sets fire to the produce shed. Exhibit self-discipline and self-motivation. The problem is, Jacob doesnt have a particularly high opinion of the other Korean immigrants. Do you agree with her? Do you agree with her? Though it wasn't hugely popular among teens, it's possible that some of your students have seen it, so it's helpful to make a strict "If you know it, don't blow it" rule to prevent spoilers. Instead, she plays cards and swears. (25:49-27:39), Clip #5: Grandma (Soonja) arrives, and David is unsure about her. * The fire: A major reversal, indeed, the destruction of what Jacob had worked so hard to build, the barn a symbol of what the farm *could* be. It's accessible to 9th graders but can also sparkmore nuanced conversations for 12 graders. We also see Monica and Paul (Will Patton) with Jacob as he pays to find a new water well, something he was against in the beginning. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR USE WITH ANY FILM THAT IS A WORK OF FICTION Select the questions that will work best with your students and promote your educational goals. Jacob refuses to hire a water dowser (people who seemingly find underground water through divination using a forked twig). Why is it significant that Monica's father died in the Korean War? They'll also considerhow this might play out for others who aren't like themselves. Grandma sees David as an American kid and Monica asserts that he's a Korean kid. The book has little in the way of a conventional plot, but it still forms a cohesive whole. Hand out the graphic organizer and give students a few minutes to complete the Before You Watch question. Spent most of my life in various parts of Illinois, including attending college in Evanston. You may download the screenplay here. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In a recent roundtable of Asian American directors in the .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}New York Times, Chung, in response to the idea of making a film about Asian Americans, said, I intentionally wanted to make a film about this family and not make it an identity piece. Show the entire film with a more in-depth lesson plan and. After seeing that Soonja is all right, Monica rushes in as well. Combine that with their ever-increasing financial woes and Davids heart problems, and you have a recipe for a disintegrating family. Beyond the snake, what does Soonja mean about things that hide? When the Yis return, Jacob rushes into the fire to salvage whatever he can, and Monica soon follows. SPOILERS AHEAD. Naweezy 2 yr. ago. If you decide to help students delve deeper into the topic, you might show the entire film and have more extensive discussions over multiple days. Because entire countries can't have a smell, what is it David is really reacting to? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. This guide offers two different approaches to teaching Minari: Feel free to use either approach, or even combine the two into one lesson (or an entire unit) based around the movie. The plotline is very simple: The story of the farm. The time stamps can help you pick and choose your areas of focus. Her oncoming dementia plays into that. Digital Citizenship Resources for Families, Workshops for Middle and High School Families, CASEL 5 competencies for social and emotional learning, thinking routines from the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero, selected scenes and discussion questions listed earlier in this article, Inside Out and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan for Your Classroom, Whale Rider and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan for Your Classroom, Teachers' Essential Guide to Showing Movies and Videos in the Classroom. Jacob hopes to become a successful farmer, hoping to produce Korean vegetables for the Southern states growing Korean population. Plot Concept : After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. (35:37-37:58), Clip #8: The family goes to church, and people there react in various ways to them being Korean. Use this lesson to help students consider how they can: If you only want to show brief parts of the film and discuss them with students, use these helpful clips to get you started. The growing minari also symbolizes hope for the Yi family to thrive in the future. And yet, eventually, he manages to discard that obsession at the right time. (1:12:32-1:18:35), Clip #13: Monica tells Anne she's so grown up, taking care of everyone. It features a Korean family in rural Arkansas, and it's already received major recognition, including a Golden Globe Award. I guessed Lee Isaac Chung's Minari would be different to me from just about any other film I'd seen from how, even those two minutes, evoked my own memories in a . Reflect on their own role in promoting personal, family, and community well-being. It grows anywhere, like weeds. But the well he digs there soon runs dry, and he has no choice but to use county water, which means that the family now has to pay for another thing that they cant afford. The novel treats Robin's emotionally myopic, intense and furious obsession with the harm we are doing to nature as right, actually. A new film called "Minari" is an immigrant tale rarely portrayed. Start with the foundations of your research project: 119. A FOOW (Fish-Out-Of-Water) dynamic. "Wonderful, wonderful!" The dual-language Minari Screenplay Book features Korean translations of all texts alongside the original English. "Minari" Discussion Group Friday July 16. Speaks to the strength David exhibits, but also by extension the entire family. "Minari" 's style is a disheartening example of the gravitational pull that such conventions exert on the cinema at large. Or perhaps better to think of them as you portray them: Characters evolving from one type of relationship with David to another. Demonstrate personal and collective agency. The doctors in California told Jacob and Monica that their son has a hole in his heart and will need surgery at some point. The discussion guide and lesson below will help students consider how and why characters in Minari act the way they do. The mother, Monica (Yeri Han), would rather be in California. #1: Define goals, research questions and hypotheses with stakeholders. 'Minari' is about immigrants who speak Korean. This movie is set in the '80s. Why does the movie end with Jacob commenting on the minari, and why is it the title of the movie? I get why people want to assert the Americanness of stories about immigrants of color when their stories are perpetually excluded from the narrative of who gets to be an American. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, But Jacob had his own share of disappointments with their lives in the Golden State. In her view, the money belonged to their children, and Jacob shouldnt have given it away, especially when she didnt send money to her own mother. Create something that gives this person a proper shout out! Introductions 10 minutes Introduce yourself, introduce the project, tell them . Anne's strategy when her parents are fighting is to send messages with paper airplanes, which is a creative way to find some control over a situation where she's powerless. Preview the activities students will be doing during the movie. "Minari is truly the best. Step 3: Write instructions for any user activities. My students and I wanted to be seen by others and to see ourselvesthe hope that the diversity of who we are would finally be reflected, but theres only so much room for Asian American representation in Hollywood. Edit Details To ask other readers questions about Minari please sign up . Help students find the strength and confidence to overcome obstacles in their own lives. Instead, she plays cards and swears. If you haven't seen Minari yet, queue this one for your next movie night. Students will rank certain character traits in order of how important they are to personal growth. Though she's not avery dynamiccharacter, she plays a huge role in holding everything together. His real memories echoed the tornado warning and his grandmother burning the barn, but he wanted to start Minari with a flood and end it with fire. Why or why not? Then, of course, the line from Soon-ja to David, as noted previously: "Strong boy." This event has passed. Step 2: Insert your questions for each topic. So we have to push back on the idea that it is a universal immigrant story about the American dream. Just a few hours before, she'd been making him feel safe. But the desire to be seen onscreen is such an important part of our identity, the question we all asked ourselves was: Will any story do? Both individually and collectively, they find friends as well, most prominent of whom is the town eccentric Paul (Will Patton), who is the very embodiment of the profound faith that resonates in that part of the country. Step 1: List out and order the main topics of your interview. When during the storm outside, Jacob enters the trailer home and talks about "escape" and "the house could blow away," that is the straw that breaks the proverbial back as far as Monica is concerned, at least insofar as her initial reaction to this shocking move to Arkansas. (27:40-31:25), Clip #6: Grandma (Soonja) makes David a special tea, and he complains about a "Korea" smell in his room. (4/5 stars) Directed by: Lee Isaac Chung. Reading scripts. Dan M. Jack K. Jean H; 8 attendees "Minari" Discussion Group Friday, July 16. All rights reserved. "Minari, Minari, Wonderful, Wonderful". When the Yi family arrives, Jacob rushes to the barn to try to stop it, then he tries to save some of his produce. So we have to push back on the idea that it is a universal immigrant story about the American dream. Jacob then gets more good news when the grocery store owner agrees to have Jacob be his produce supplier. (1:02:06-1:03:57), Clip #11: After David gets hurt, Grandma emphasizes how strong he is. Discussion Guide 5.12.2016 Pie Digital | Fast Insight 1 Page 2 of 4 Task 1: General exploration, Dashboard Imagine that you recently installed an app on your phone that was going to help you with your home network. -- can shift one's priorities? In the Minari ending, Jacob and Monica are now working together to get the farm up and running. Why? They fight. News & Media Literacy You know your classroom and community norms best -- use your professional judgement to decide how you'll address these, if necessary. Its funny how even the Hollywood Foreign Press Association thinks American stories are told only in English. As explained in the movie and by the cast, --Chung called it a weed in an interview with The Wrap, but Yuh-jung corrected him and said that its a vegetable-- minari is a versatile plant used in Korean households in various ways. He also explained that minari has a purifying effect and clears poor soil and water. Download. How do our roles in a family sometimes create expectations for us? In an interview with Deadline, Chung also added how minari doesnt start to thrive until its second season. Dowsing is a very old practice considered to be pseudoscience by some and legitimate folk wisdom by others. Why does Anne get so angry when Jacob says they worried for nothing? But just as Crazy Rich Asians did in 2018, Minari carries the weight of representation, of helping us as Asian Americans validate ourselves through the hope that we will see our stories onscreen and the hope that people will see us. This year also saw the highest number of nominations that went to women across the top . Why? Before coming to Common Sense, she helped create ELA curriculum for a K-12 app and taught the youth of America as a high school teacher, a community college teacher, a tutor, and a special education instructional aide for about 18 years. (1:38:26-end). MINARI. Can you think of someone from your own life, from history, or from a piece of media that's like Anne -- a bit of an "unsung hero" who helps keep things going? A24. Chung tells this semi-autobiographical story from Davids perspective, effectively using the young character as the filmmakers surrogate. Besides learning that his son will be alright, he has managed to secure a buyer in Oklahoma City for his vegetables. Not a coming-of-age movie so much as a deeply personal and lovingly poetic rendering of his Korean American childhood specifically, how it felt for his immigrant family to adjust to life in . Cookie Notice At 49:44, there's a scene where David tricks Soonja (Grandma) into drinking his urine. That doesn't make it 'foreign.' Viet Thanh Nguyen, Dec 24, 2020. Considering Minari is a semi-autobiographical movie, there is no reason to theorize she is dead. Use as few or as many clips as you see fit, but keep in mind that you may need to introduce the movie's overall plot and talk through some of what happens before or after each clip. Its a surreal moment of contradictory emotions for Jacob. At one point in Minari, Soonja says to David and Anne, do you even know what Minari is, you stupid Americans? a cheeky nod to many viewers that are clueless about minari. It stars Steven Yeun, Han Ye-ri, Alan Kim, Noel Kate Cho, Youn Yuh-jung, and Will Patton. What do you think Jacob is feeling as he talks to David about the farm? The movie's final scene is of Jacob and David at the creek picking minari, the only thriving plant. Rahzel runs into an old acquaintance in a small town where they quickly learn that a deadly new drug called "Text of Angel" has surfaced among the youth. What are Jacob's priorities? And although her requests are shot down every time, that is exactly what she does when she is alone with her grandson. There's a ton of SEL content to work with here. (42:44-49:43), Clip #9: David dumps out his tea and urinates in the cup. Identify their personal, cultural, and linguistic assets. Monica being around also shows she is now actively supporting Jacobs dream and participating in the farm dream. Importantly, theyll return to this after the movie and reflect on it. Our daily schedule: Monday: Scene-By-Scene BreakdownTuesday: PlotWednesday: CharactersThursday: ThemesFriday: DialogueSaturday: Takeaways. They study film and television and are interesting in directing. He further explained in an interview on NPRs Reset how minari really was something that his grandmother grew, and some of his memories with her tie back to them. Chung based the film on what he remembers . But I kept thinking about how Minari is being marketed and wondered, Is this really a story about the American dream? What I'll share worked for me for in-depth interviews, prototype testing and foundational research for specific digital product areas. But as the film progresses, a poignant bond develops between the two. Preview the activities students will be doing during the movie. Minari Film Discussion, March 11, 2021. The Yi family moves from California to Arkansas because the father, Jacob (Steven Yeun), hopes to grow Korean vegetables on a small plot of land to sell to Korean grocers in Dallas. Bruder's book called attention to the economic ruthlessness of the Amazon setup, and the effect of the toil on older employees; Zhao is more focussed on Fern, as she greets her fellow-drones at . She says American kids don't like sharing their room and Monica says, "He's a Korean kid." Though it wasn't hugely popular among teens, it's possible that some of your students have seen it, so it's helpful to make a strict "If you know it, don't blow it" rule to prevent spoilers. One of the main reasons for the family moving from California to Arkansas is that, unlike Jacob, Monica wasnt a fast enough sexer in the former state. Amidst the challenges of this new life in the strange and rugged Ozarks, they discover the undeniable resilience of family and what really makes a home." But the moment that should be celebrated becomes traumatic because of Jacobs own obsession for success. In the closing scenes, Jacob and David visit the creek to collect minari, which have grown in abundance since Soon-ja planted them. This week is our discussion about the film, Minari: "A Korean American family moves to an Arkansas farm in search of its own American dream. Why? The kids, David (played by Alan Kim) and Anne. Complex characters. Charming, limpid, and earnest, it's both a familiar tale and a wholly new one.. So, after the family, except for Soon-ja, travels to Oklahoma City to meet a specialist there for Davids condition, Monica gives her husband an ultimatum to choose between his family and the farm. EVENT DATES & TIMES: Virtual screening: Saturday, May 15 between 6-10pm PST Post-movie discussion: Wednesday, May 19 from 4-5pm PST REGISTRATION Tickets are SOLD OUT. The Oscars have a long history of diversity issues, including that they were dominated by white men. harrysonhuang 2 yr. ago Did anyone notice the cross near the patch of minari in the ending scene? To download a PDF of the breakdown , go here. This affects his productivity at the local hatchery, where both he and Monica work. He has spent a decade as a sexer and strives to find something more rewarding to do than that job. But Chung's brilliance is in how he adds depth and complexity to those foundational ideas - it's in the spaces in between that we find love, loss, hope,. But to your point, Laura, three members of the family -- Jacob, Monica, and Soonja -- have pivotal roles. Why does Jacob mention that he's the eldest son? When it comes to representation, its hard not to feel the lack of differences and experiences onscreen. Its a decision that didnt garner consensus easily. Jacob dreams of starting a farm and living off the profits of that business. Overall, this is very simple plot. Why do you think big events -- like birth, illness, death, a pandemic, etc. Minari Endoh 4.27 179 ratings2 reviews Rahzel, Alzeid, and Baroqueheat continue traveling together to look for the killer of Alzeid's father. And who is even included in this fantasy of America? In an interview with Cinemablend, various cast and director Chung spoke about how minari is special because its a plant that thrives even in rough soil. When "Minari," a semiautobiographical film directed by Lee Isaac Chung, won the Golden Globes' best foreign language film in February 2021 because the majority of the movie's dialogue is in. His wife struggling to understand that dream. Is Soonja what you expected? As in the film, it grows rampant along the banks of streams and over damp ground, requiring little attention. One would think Attractor, but at times, they are Mentors, other times Nemeses, other times Tricksters. Anticipate and evaluate the consequences of theiractions. And again, the event in the plotline spurs trouble within the family as Soonja disappears, a crisis the family has to deal with. Because entire countries can't have a smell, what is it David is really reacting to? The disconnect which all of them start to feel in their ramshackle trailer in the middle of nowhere continues to fester within Monica throughout the film. The David - Soonja relationship is the central one in the story, however Jacob and Monica is also a powerful subplot. Thats because something momentous is happening when one more, in just a handful of Asian American narratives, is released. Plot summary: A Korean family starts a farm in 1980s Arkansas. Christine is also a writer, primarily of fiction and essays, and loves to read all manner of books. Things that hide are more dangerous and scary." But the main source of conflict is not the immigration from the native country but the relocation from California. One theme I take away from "Minari" is strength, specifically the perseverance people demonstrate in the face of hardship. To access over 90 analyses of previous movie scripts we have read and discussed at Go Into The Story, go here. Does she find it at church? Simple plot. You know your classroom and community norms best -- use your professional judgement to decide how you'll address these, if necessary. For more information, please see our Can you think of a situation where you make your voice heard even though you can't really change what's happening? If you only have a single class period, showing just a few key clips below might be perfect. As professor of ethnic studies, I teach a class on Asian American literature and film. Newer Post . He saw this as an overall analogy for the immigrant experience, which he shared in a Filmmaker Magazine interview: Later, you know, I started to see a lot of those connectionsto immigration itself, and to the stories of the people who came over and planted themselves in the worst soils and started to thrive and grow. Is there a "right"? But isnt it possible to also particularize Asian American stories beyond the problematic idea that we can all achieve the American dream, especially since that dream can be a nightmare for BIPOC communities? But underlying all of that, its less the immigration but the heart and sentiments, the relationships of the people doing that. Even if it doesnt represent the multiplicity of who we are? Without forcing emotions on the audience, it gives them the room to step back and see how these characters live their lives and go through growing pains. They frame the overall domain of insights you hope to uncover. Minari DRAMA A tender and sweeping story about what roots us, Minari follows a Korean-American family that moves to an Arkansas farm in search of their own American Dream. Why do you think David has accepted Soonja? Table of Contents Simulating Student Interest Focusing on Empathic Reactions Characterization Plot Themes, Messages & Ideas Other Literary Elements Theatrical Devices and Effects Jacob and Monica mark the place with a stone, implying that the farm will be their home from now on. So anyone can pick and eat it. How would you describe the behavior of the people at church toward the Yi family? Anticipate and evaluate the consequences of theiractions. You can use these additional prompts (which don't appear on the student handout) to guide students in a writing project or a more comprehensive discussion about the movie's major themes. (1:31:41-1:35:41), Clip #15: Soonja accidentally sets fire to the produce shed. The kids go to church so they can call their mother. He adamantly thinks that Soon-ja is not a real grandmother because she doesnt cook or bake cookies. This guide offers two different approaches to teaching Minari: Feel free to use either approach, or even combine the two into one lesson (or an entire unit) based around the movie. Please refresh the page and try again. Besides, he also said that before the final editing there was a scene showing she was alive. We're about to get into spoilers from the movie, so if you haven't watched it yet, read no further! Why? Minari, which won a Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film, follows the story of an immigrant Korean family who move from California to Arkansas in hopes for a better life and land to call their own.Starring The Walking Dead's Steven Yeun alongside a . Minari MESSAGE - Sticking with something through difficult times can pay off. (1:23:41-1:24:58), Clip #14: Jacob takes his box of produce to the appointment with the doctor, which upsets Monica. Later, Anne asks David if he wants to live with mom or dad. 'Minari' is about immigrants who speak Korean. Why do you think the filmmakers linger on the shot of the smokestack at the end of this scene? Minari Panel Discussion Production company Motion Picture Association (MPA) See more company credits at IMDbPro Technical specs Runtime 25 minutes Color Color Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page In Jacobs mind, he has invested too much and sacrificed too much to back out now from this specific trajectory of his life, no matter the consequences. In Minari, writer-director Lee Isaac Chung (Munyurangabo) documents a South Korean immigrant familys pursuit of happiness in rural Arkansas. What unfolds from there may read like a normative immigrant tale of three generational differences, but it felt much more unique than that. Minari Is a Beautiful Portrait of a Family in Flux Lee Isaac Chung's bittersweet award-winning film is one of the highlights of the season. That seems to be an apt line about David's family, how despite the hardships they face, they prove to be able to "grow anywhere," even on their struggling Arkansas farm. In Lee Isaac Chung 's lovely new film, it flourishes in an Arkansas creek bed . The Mandalorian is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. (49:44-55:13), Clip #10: After Jacob learns a deal fell through with a Korean business owner, there's a shot of the smoke stack for "discarded" useless male chicks.